Strawbale, a philosophy
Welcome to Spacebale, Specialists in Strawbale building! We design and construct Sensible low energy homes that not only cost the minimum to run but have the least impact on the planet, and a joy to inhabit.
Championing quality, sustainability and charm over the usual run of the mill status quo. We believe it is a more rational choice for a world that is increasingly turning from expensive and wasteful housing in favour of smarter, more environmentally sophisticated homes. Straw bale is the ideal natural super-insulated material to build and live in!
This site should help you to understand straw bale building, its fabulous environmental benefits and evoke the inspiration to start creating your dream home with us.
Why Strawbale?

Straw bale building has become an established technique in building construction in Australia in the last two decades. Here is a short list of facts.
-Straw bale building has a proven track-record of over a century in America.
-Straw bale offers a staggering degree of insulation, approximately an R8 in thermal ratings.
-Straw bale houses are typically attractive and peaceful with characteristically deep window-sills and doorways and a uniquely comforting atmosphere.
-Straw bale houses are not prone to termite or rodent infestation with the usual measures to protect the timber component of the houses in place.
-Straw bale houses have very low embodied-energy and lock up many tons of carbon for at least the life of the building. A concrete floor and lime production for the render do involve energy use but it is for a good and permanent application to last decades or centuries.
-A properly designed straw bale house has very low heating and cooling costs.
-Straw bale houses have an immense ability to withstand fire, in a warming climate and many looking for a tree change, BAL (bushfire attack level) ratings are changing to a higher standard. Please see the CSIRO reports and their findings in support of rendered strawbale.
"The test results proved strawbale to be a viable option for use in bushfire prone areas."
— Alex Webb, CSIRO Fire Safety Engineer
Quality, Charm & Style

Designed for you
Not only is each house designed with passive solar principles but with an equally high emphasis on functionality and beauty. We believe a home should feel wholesome and alive and reflect the soul of its inhabitants. Each design is carefully developed alongside our clients desires, using quality materials and designs.
We have developed a colour pallet and general aesthetic regarding kitchen and bathroom fit-outs and floor finishings we believe compliment the natural finishes of our strawbale walls and are happy to consult on interior choices.
About Us

Space bale is a family owned and run business, located in central Victoria. Chris Rule being the founder and creator of the unique ‘spacebale system’ has always been interested in all things hands-on, with a love of creativity and construction. Chris began building and renovating homes over 25 years ago working and experimenting with conventional building techniques and also mud brick and straw bale. All of Chris' designs and renovations prioritise simple harmony with the environment and being a pleasant and nurturing place to live.
Contact Us
To contact us please fill the fields below or email us at hello@spacebale.com
We would love to hear from you and will be in touch as soon as possible.